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 78, Dr Madhukar B Raut Marg, Dadar West, Shivaji Park, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400028


Why traditional sports mallakhamb is important?

  • Rich History and Cultural Significance: Mallakhamb is an ancient Indian sport with roots dating back centuries. By participating, you connect with a rich cultural heritage and tradition. It’s a way to preserve and share this unique aspect of Indian history.
  • Holistic Fitness Development: Mallakhamb isn’t just about strength or agility. It works your entire body, improving flexibility, coordination, power, and endurance. This well-rounded approach builds a strong foundation for any physical activity.
  • Mental Discipline and Focus: Mallakhamb requires concentration and control. You learn to overcome fear, stay focused on the task at hand, and push your mental limits. This mental discipline translates well into other areas of life.
  • Unique Challenge: Mallakhamb offers a challenge unlike any other sport. Mastering the use of the pole or rope requires dedication, creativity, and problem-solving skills. It’s a constant learning process that keeps you engaged and motivated.
  • Confidence and Self-Esteem: As you progress in Mallakhamb, you’ll witness your own strength and ability grow. This accomplishment builds confidence and self-esteem, valuable assets that spill over into all aspects of life.
  • Sense of Community: Mallakhamb fosters a strong sense of community. You train alongside others who share your passion and support your progress. This camaraderie and sense of belonging are valuable aspects of the sport.
  • Gateway to Other Sports: The skills you develop in Mallakhamb, like strength, balance, and coordination, provide a solid foundation for many other sports. It can be a great starting point for someone interested in exploring other physical activities.

Overall, Mallakhamb is more than just a sport; it’s a tradition, a discipline, and a path to well-rounded physical and mental development. It’s a unique and rewarding experience that connects you to your heritage while challenging you to be your best.

Which points should I consider while starting Sports activity of children?

Here are some key points to consider when starting your child in a sports activity:

Your Child’s Interest:

  • Age and Development: Consider your child’s age and physical development stage. Some sports are better suited for younger or older children.
  • Natural Preferences: Observe what activities your child enjoys naturally. Do they like running around, climbing, or using their hands?
  • Previous Activities: If they’ve tried something before, see if they enjoyed it or wanted to quit.

The Sport Itself:

  • Skill Level: Choose a sport that aligns with your child’s current skill level. Beginner programs are ideal for fostering enjoyment and confidence.
  • Physical Demands: Consider the physical demands of the sport. Does it require high endurance, strength, or coordination? Is it appropriate for your child’s current fitness level?
  • Time Commitment: Think about the practice and game schedule. Can your child and your family realistically handle the time commitment?

The Program and Environment:

  • Coaching Style: Look for coaches who are positive, encouraging, and prioritize fun and skill development over winning.
  • Class Size: Smaller class sizes allow for more individualized attention and safety supervision.
  • Safety Measures: Ensure the program prioritizes safety with proper equipment, training, and emergency procedures.

Additional Points

  • Social Interaction: Does the sport offer opportunities for teamwork and making new friends?
  • Family Support: Talk to your child about expectations and be their biggest cheerleader.


  • The goal is to foster a love for physical activity, not pressure to excel.
  • It’s okay to try different sports until your child finds one they truly enjoy.
  • Positive reinforcement and a fun environment are key to keeping them motivated.

Which traditional sports are suitable in which age?

Here’s a breakdown of traditional sports suitable for different age groups, keeping in mind a child’s development and cultural context:

Ages 2-4:

  • Focus: Develop foundational movement skills and a love for movement in a playful environment.
  • Activities:
    • Yoga: Simple yoga poses introduced playfully can improve balance and flexibility.
    • Kho-Kho : A simplified version of Kho-Kho, a tag game involving dodging and running, can be played with light equipment or just hand touches.
    • Simple kite flying: Running with a kite and chasing it promotes coordination and basic running skills.

Ages 5-7:

  • Focus: Introduce basic skills, teamwork, and traditional games.
  • Activities:
    • Kabbadi :
    • Gilli Danda :
    • Lagori :

Ages 8-12:

  • Focus: Develop coordination, build stamina, and learn more complex traditional sports.
  • Activities:
    • Mallakhamb (beginner classes): Introduces basic poses and movements on the pole or rope, promoting strength and grip.
    • Pehlwani : Focus on basic wrestling techniques like throws and takedowns using mats and proper supervision.
    • Organized Kho-Kho or Kabaddi (age-appropriate leagues): Introduce the official rules and strategies in a safe and structured environment.

Ages 13 and Up:

  • Focus: Advance skills, participate in competitive leagues (if desired), and explore physically demanding sports.
  • Activities:
    • Advanced Mallakhamb : Master more complex techniques and participate in local competitions.
    • Traditional wrestling styles like Kushti or Lezim: Intensive training under qualified coaches for serious athletes.
    • Kabaddi or Kho-Kho : Participate in organized leagues at the regional or national level.
    • Horse riding : Learn basic horsemanship and potentially traditional equestrian skills like tent pegging.

Additional Considerations:

  • Safety first: Ensure proper coaching, equipment, and safety measures are in place, especially for physically demanding sports.

Remember, this is just a guide. The most important thing is to find activities that your child enjoys and that nurture their physical and cultural development.