International Code of Points – The Rule book for International Championships
Prepared the International Code of Points – The Rule book for International Championships in 2018, which was revised in 2022.
International Judging Certification Course:
Along with preparation to train the Coaches and Players, it is also important to train judges who are good evaluators for Competitions. It was also important to have judges from various parts of the world, so the judging courses were conducted in online mode. In all 4 Judging Courses have been conducted.
- 1st International Online Mallakhamb Judging Certification Course and Examination –12th August to 4th November 2018, for 28 registered candidates from the USA, Canada, Singapore & India.
- 2nd International Online Mallakhamb Judging Certification Course and Examination – 17th to 27th Dec 2018, for 28 Certified National Judges from India.
Both the courses were conducted via Online Video Conferencing interactive sessions, the first of its kind for any Indian sport. The online examination was conducted using ‘Quiz wave’, the candidate getting his performance score immediately after submitting the answers, maintaining complete transparency of the entire process.
- 3rd International Mallakhamb Judging Course and Examination – 12th to 22nd January 2023
Five video conferencing sessions were conducted. The Final revision sessions and Judging Examination of the Course were conducted offline, at Shree Samartha Vyayam Mandir, Dadar, Mumbai, Maharashtra, on 28th & 29th January 2023. 50 new Candidates and 34 candidates attended for the renewal of the judging license.
- 4thInternational Mallakhamb Judging Course and Examination – 11th to 19th February
Four video conferencing sessions were conducted. The Final revision sessions and Judging Examination of the Course were conducted offline, at Shree Samartha Vyayam Mandir, Dadar, Mumbai, Maharashtra, on 4th & 5th March 2023. 23 new Candidates and 03 candidates attended for the renewal of the judging license.

World Mallakhamb Championships
Secretary, Vishwa Mallakhamb Federation (VMF) since 2016
- The VMF organized the 1st Mallakhamb World Championships on 16th & 17th February 2019, in a huge AC pandal at Shivaji Park, Mumbai. Players from 15 countries, Spain, Germany, Czech Republic, Italy, USA, Iran, Norway, England, France, Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, Vietnam, Bahrain and India competed in this grand event. The presence of Mallakhamb Fraternity from all over India, huge publicity in print and social media, contribution by several people are a few major highlights. Mallakhamb going international is a major step towards its journey to the Olympics.
- The 2nd Mallakhamb World Championships were held at Golakganj Stadium, Dhubri, Assam, India on 7th & 8th May 2023, in which teams of Bahrain, Brazil, Japan, Vietnam, India, USA, Nepal and Africa participated.
International Platform
TED Speaker: Invited on a prestigious platform of ‘TEDX to speak on ‘Putting Mallakhamb on the World Map – Uday Deshpande,’ at NCPA on 4th December 2016. The talk involved live demonstration by visually challenged students, National Champions of Mallakhamb and the students of Shree Vyayam Mandir, Shivaji Park, Mumbai. The talk received a standing ovation from the audience.

International Associations
- Catalyst in the formation of ‘Mallakhamb Federation USA (MFU), by bringing the Mallakhamb lovers together in USA. The MFU was formalized on 11.11.2015
- Provided complete technical assistance for the formation of ‘Mallakhamb – Deutschland e.V’ in Munich in Is the Founder Member of the Federation, which was formalized on 1.3.2016
- Provided complete technical assistance for the formation of ‘Persatuan Mallakhamb Malaysia’ (Malaysia Mallakhamb Federation)’ in Malaysia in The Federation was formalized in May 2019
- Instrumental in the formation of Mallakhamb Federations in Japan, Nepal etc.
International Mallakhamb Day
- Motivating force behind the Celebrations of the International Mallakhamb Day, celebrated since 15th June This day is getting celebrated every year since 2017, in India and internationally by demonstrations, workshops and various programmes related to Mallakhamb not only for Mallakhamb players, but also for introducing Mallakhamb to parents and newcomers.